It has been 8 delightful months since Joe came into my home. I can't imagine why anyone would want to throw away such an amazing little dog. He loves going for his walks, even in a storm or the pouring rain. He is very obedient and has been called a 'very polite' dog on more than one occasion. He gets along well with other dogs and is a favorite at his daycare. Joe is a clown, he loves to play and race around the house, even after going for a 6 km walk. Joe loves people and does not even bark when the door bell rings. I have a list of people who want to look after him when I go away, but I am afraid that I would not get him back! I have never been fond of black dogs, but Joe picked me that day at the adopt-a-thon and I am very thankful that he did. Thank you Little Mutts for bringing Joe here so that he could come into my life.