Tanzy is the most wonderful pet, I have included some pictures of him for your website.
He makes us laugh on a daily basis. For some reason he is obsessed with dryer balls, he loves to play with them. When the dryer beeps to signal it is done, he runs and sits by the dryer in the hopes that I will drop a dryer ball when I pull out the laundry (which I usually do). He is gone with it in the blink of an eye, even if he already has two on the go.
He also loves to drop his toys down the stairs. As you can see by the picture he plays with toys on the stair landing and does actually push them down the stairs, goes to get them, and pushes them down again. He sometimes has more fun playing by himself than with us!!!
Having not had a dog for a couple of years, I forgot how much I love to come home to a wiggly dog that is so excited to see you, it just makes my day, especially if I have had a long day at work. The picture of Tanzy on the hammock was his first day here, he settled in just wonderfully, this was meant to be his home.
Our friends who had met Tanzy cannot believe that he was a rescue dog, and say that any future dogs that they get will be rescue dogs now.
Thanks so much for bringing us Tanzy, he is a spoiled, happy dog and we love him lots!!!
Best regards,