Hi! It’s me….Cheeto! It’s been a while since I left my foster daddy’s house (hi Barry!!), but I’ve been so busy having the time of my life here in suburbia! There’s the walkies in the dog park….sleeping with mommy and daddy on the memory foam bed…..lot’s of doggie treats (turns out I reallylike yogurt….sorry Barry!)…..playing with my Teddy….what else could a little dog ask for? But then I’m also forgetting the “basic training”……no more lone wolf….we’re just a big bag of Cheetos now…..be nice on the walkies…..sit…..down……good boy! Daddy keeps telling me he's going to get me a job where he works if I keep getting smarter!
The rules were pretty clear from the beginning: no crazy, twitchy-barking, no bites, no bum drags on the carpet, no chewing of the pencils, and no rolling in the worms (most of these were pretty easy…but I’m still having trouble with the “worms” thing….).
Well, gotta go…..places to mark and people to meet…did I mention my cool backyard?......I “patrol the perimeter” daily for mommy and daddy….oh look….a bird!
Yours truly,